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$975.0040 Hour Combo Pass
  • Upon submitting this order, you will receive an email with your Pass reference code
Subtotal: $975.00

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Seminar Discount Policy

For the 3rd through 5th seminars you attend within a calendar year, deduct 5% from tuition. For seminars over 5 in a calendar year, deduct 10% from tuition. When two or more from the same company attend a seminar together, each receives a 10% discount.

Cancellation and Refund Policies

For program-specific cancellation and refund policies, please click here.

Unique 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

If you're unsure whether a particular program will give you the level of knowledge or relevant information you seek, register today, knowing that you can rely on our unique 100% money-back Relevance Guarantee. It's our way of reassuring you that your satisfaction is our highest priority.

Policies, Terms & Conditions

Please click here for CPE INC.’s Policies, Terms & Conditions.